Intelligent Meeting Tables

The MemTable Records Your Work and Can Display It for Future Use

The MemTable is an interactive multi-touch table that is designed to record both physical and digital input from co-located meetings. The MemTable table supports and encourages social interaction, multiple individual use, and is a great resource to record and track all proceedings during a meeting or brainstorming session.

The MemTable has Internet connectivity to sync up to services such as Google Wave in order to further store work and notes. The table itself can become an Internet monitor for web searching and other meeting resources. To see the MemTable in action, check out this video.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Multi-touch Tables - Opportunity to develop more advanced interactive multi-touch tables with additional features and functionalities.
2. Collaborative Meeting Tools - Opportunity to create innovative tools that support collaborative work during meetings and brainstorming sessions.
3. Internet-connected Workspace Solutions - Opportunity to develop workspace solutions that are connected to the internet, allowing for seamless integration with online tools and resources.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Manufacturing - Opportunity for furniture manufacturers to incorporate interactive multi-touch features into their products, creating new and innovative workspace solutions.
2. Technology Hardware - Opportunity for technology hardware companies to develop and market interactive multi-touch tables and other collaborative meeting tools.
3. Software Development - Opportunity for software developers to create applications and platforms that enhance the functionality and connectivity of interactive multi-touch tables and collaborative meeting tools.

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