Deceased Person Cut-Outs

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Maria Challis Creates Life Size Cardboard of Her Late Husband

It is difficult to erase wonderful memories that you spent with your beloved one who suddenly passes away. Maria Challis, in an attempt to keep the memory of her late husband, Paul, created a 6-foot-1 cardboard cut-out of him.

The cut-out features one of the family's happiest moments, in which Mr. Challis is holding a bottle of champagne and laughing while on board a QE2 cruise to Belgium. Maria Challis's cardboard cut-out even attended her husband's funeral and also friend's weddings. Their children also decorated the cut-out as a Santa at Christmas and Dracula on Halloween.

Paul Challis passed away only weeks after being diagnosed with two cancerous brain tumors. Mrs. Challis also runs the Wirral Race For Life to raise money for cancer research.
Trend Themes
1. Personalized Mourning Memorabilia - Opportunity to create customized products that help mourners preserve the memory of their loved ones.
2. Grief-inspired Artwork - Opportunity to provide creative outlets for individuals experiencing grief by offering customizable artwork options.
3. Digital Memorialization - Opportunity to develop digital platforms and tools that enable people to create and share virtual memorials.
Industry Implications
1. Printing and Personalization - Opportunity for printing companies to offer personalized mourning memorabilia such as cardboard cut-outs and other custom-made products.
2. Art and Design - Opportunity for artists to create grief-inspired artwork and offer services for customizing artistic memorabilia.
3. Technology and Software Development - Opportunity for tech companies to develop digital platforms and tools for memorialization purposes.

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