Mansion Rings

Tournaire's Dream Home Rings are Glam Building Replicas

Tournaire brings your dream home to a reality with their new line of Dream Home Rings. The 18 karat gold and platinum rings are actual replicas of buildings around the world.

Tournaire, the Paris boutique, is bringing their design to the US with these head turning designs. While these piece of jewelry are definitely not for the dainty at heart, these Dream House Rings will have a crowd in awe.

The collection will be featured at the Couture Show in Las Vegas from May 28-June 2.

Luxist | National Jeweler Network
Trend Themes
1. Dream Home Rings - Opportunity for jewelry companies to create custom, personalized rings that resemble famous buildings and landmarks.
2. Replica Jewelry - Opportunity for luxury brands to create replica jewelry pieces that mimic iconic architectural designs.
3. Statement Jewelry - Opportunity for designers to create bold and unique jewelry pieces that attract attention and evoke awe.
Industry Implications
1. Jewelry - Jewelry companies can capitalize on the trend by offering custom design services for dream home rings.
2. Luxury - Luxury brands can expand their product lines by introducing replica jewelry collections that cater to architecture enthusiasts.
3. Fashion - Fashion designers can incorporate statement jewelry pieces inspired by famous buildings to create unique and eye-catching looks.

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