Ugly Food Glasses

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Blue Shade Glasses Help You Lose Weight?

Scientific research has found blue to be the least appetizing color. This is the basis behind these blue shaded sunglasses. Supposedly, the person who wears these shades sees an ugly hue of blue that brings about a negative view of eating in general. Perhaps the blue tint subconsciously reminds us of rotting food. The end result (hopefully) is the eating of less food and thus, weight loss.

Implications - Research has shown that obesity is a huge problem in today's North American society and is set to be the number one killer within the next decade. The Blue Shade Glasses offer some hope to people who are overweight and could end up being a big help in battling unwanted pounds.
Trend Themes
1. Blue Shade Glasses - The use of blue shade glasses as an aid for weight loss by supressing appetite
2. Color Psychology - The study of how color affects human behavior and mood, leading to the development of various products for different applications.
3. Anti-obesity Products - The increasing use of innovative products that helps people lose weight and combat obesity
Industry Implications
1. Health and Wellness - Manufacturers of health and wellness products can incorporate color psychology in their products to enhance their effectiveness
2. Fashion - The development of fashionable blue shade glasses as a trendy accessory
3. Food - The application of color psychology in food marketing and packaging to influence consumer behavior

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