Magnetic Kitchen Coverings

The Magic Wall Creates Some Attractive Storage Space

Created by Vienna-based designer Felix Muhrhofer, the Magic Wall panel is designed to provide people with a little extra storage space.

Muhrhofer came up with the idea for the Magic Wall by accident when he realized that the magnets he placed under the surface of his terrazzo tables to identify his brand were causing teaspoons to "magically" stick to it. But, in order to properly adapt the idea to work on a vertical plane, Muhrhofer had to find the perfect balance between magnetism and gravity.

The Magic Wall panels are available in a wide range of sizes and styles including faux wood and faux stone to match your kitchen decor. If your cupboard space is limited, they are a great place to put things like cookware, baking sheets, utensils or pretty much anything else that's made of metal.
Trend Themes
1. Magnetic Storage Solutions - The use of magnets as a storage solution provides an innovative and convenient way to maximize space in various areas.
2. Vertical Magnetic Surfaces - Applying magnets to vertical surfaces opens up new possibilities for organizing and storing items.
3. Customizable Magnetic Panels - Customizable magnetic panels offer a versatile solution for adding storage to different environments.
Industry Implications
1. Home Organization - The home organization industry can explore the use of magnetic storage solutions to create more efficient and functional spaces.
2. Kitchen Accessories - The kitchen accessories industry can incorporate vertical magnetic surfaces to provide additional storage options for homeowners.
3. Interior Design - The interior design industry can utilize customizable magnetic panels to offer innovative and stylish storage solutions for residential and commercial spaces.

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