Minimalist Chalkboard Toy Sets

Machi by Kukkia Relies Heavily on the Imagination of Children

Machi by Kukkia, a firm based in Japan, takes old children's toys that revolve around towns and railroads and imbues them with even a deeper sense of imagination. Comprised of 15 minimalist wood pieces that resemble homes, trains, trees and more, the whole set rests on a couple of magnetic chalkboards that allows the kids to envision whatever layout they want. In a day and age when such virtual games as Sims reigns supreme among young ones, Machi by Kukkia is a great physical alternative.

Available in three versions (original, London and Paris), Machi by Kukkia provide cultural awareness through the inclusion of Big Ben, Eiffel Tower, London Eye and the L’Arc de Triomphe. Nevertheless, provided with eco-chalk, the possibilities are endless when it comes to Machi by Kukkia.
Trend Themes
1. Imaginative Chalkboard Toys - Creating new opportunities to merge traditional toys with innovative technology for a more creative toy industry.
2. Minimalist Wooden Toys - Opportunities to create more eco-friendly and sustainable toys for children while still encouraging imaginative play.
3. Culturally Themed Toy Sets - Incorporating cultural elements into children's toys can support multicultural education and broader family discussions about diverse perspectives.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Industry - There are opportunities for toy companies to innovate upon traditional toys with sustainable, environmentally conscious materials and reimagine imaginative play for children.
2. Education Industry - The educational industry can incorporate toys like Machi by Kukkia into lesson plans to promote creativity, imagination and multicultural education for children.
3. Tourism Industry - For the tourism industry, culturally themed toy sets like Machi by Kukkia could help promote travel to different destinations and support family learning while exploring new cultures.

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