Celebrating Earthworms

'Lumbricina' by Graphic Artist Steven Moreau Features Worm

Lumbricina, or ‘earthworm’ is one of the many designs that graphic artist Steven Moreau has composed and put on display on his website. His most recent series uses grey, blue, and purple , and includes images that either feature or incorporate the earthworm. 

The series seems to say that the worm is always present,  consistently composting what seems like an ever-changing landscape. Even without assigning a meaning, the work is delightful in its use of color and composition.

French-born Steven Moreau completed graphic design studies in Paris in 2006 and has lived and worked in Vietnam since 2008.
Trend Themes
1. Environmental Art - Opportunities for artists to create visually stunning and thought-provoking artwork that highlights environmental issues and promotes sustainability.
2. Upcycling - Innovative ways for artists and designers to repurpose materials, like incorporating earthworms in artwork, to reduce waste and create unique pieces.
3. Nature-inspired Designs - Growing demand for designs that embrace nature and incorporate organic elements, such as earthworms, to create a connection to the natural world.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Artists and designers who specialize in creating environmentally focused artwork and incorporating natural elements like earthworms.
2. Sustainable Fashion - Fashion industry innovators who explore new materials and design techniques that incorporate earthworms and promote eco-consciousness.
3. Ecotourism - Opportunities for businesses and destinations to create unique and immersive experiences centered around earthworms and other natural wonders, attracting eco-conscious travelers.

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