Subway Ticket Portraits

Parisian Metro Artist Luc Grateau

If you are in Paris and see a strange guy drawing very quickly on a small ticket, don't worry, you've just encountered Luc Grateau! The artist uses old Metro tickets as a canvas to create miniature portraits of fellow passengers riding the Parisian subway.

"Every day in Paris, you see dozens of different faces but by the evening, you can't remember any of them," Grateau says, adding, "For me, it is important to try and remember."
Trend Themes
1. Miniature Art - Exploring the trend of artists creating intricate and detailed artwork on small canvases, like Luc Grateau's miniature portraits on Parisian Metro tickets.
2. Public Art - Examining the trend of artists using public spaces, such as subway stations, as a canvas for their creative expressions, as seen in Luc Grateau's subway ticket portraits.
3. Memory-enhancing Art - Highlighting the trend of artists using their creative talent to capture and preserve fleeting moments in everyday life, like Luc Grateau's Metro ticket portraits that aim to help people remember the faces they encounter in Paris.
Industry Implications
1. Art - Disruptive innovation opportunity for artists to explore new mediums and unconventional canvases, like using Metro tickets as a platform for their artwork.
2. Public Transportation - Disruptive innovation opportunity for subway systems and transportation authorities to collaborate with artists and incorporate public art installations into their stations, enhancing the overall commuter experience.
3. Memory Enhancement - Disruptive innovation opportunity for companies in the technology and memory-enhancement industry to develop products or services that leverage the power of art and creativity to improve memory retention and recall.

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