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Breathalyzer Bike Locks

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The Alcoho-Lock Design Stops Commuters from Cycling While Intoxicated

The Alcoho-Lock is a cleverly lock design put together by Tokyo brand KOOWHO to prevent commuters from cycling while intoxicated. The lock doubles up as a breathalyzer that, if passed, either unlocks or keeps the bicycle locked up preventing the user from potentially having or causing an accident due to alcohol consumption.

While driving drunk is a big protective measure among car users, it is also worth noting the same for bike riders. The Alcoho-Lock adds a preventative measure for cyclists by turning a standard bike lock into a breathalyzer system. The device requires the user to breathe into the lock to test the body's alcohol content. If the user happens to be too intoxicated to properly ride, the lock will alerts a pre-programmed emergency contact to come pick up the user and keeps the bike locked up.

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