Skyscraper-Killed Bird Portraits

'Lights Out Baltimore, Downtown Fatalities' is Heartbreaking

The Lights Out Baltimore, Downtown Fatalities photo series might be hard to digest, but it raises an important issue for modern times. Documenting the death of birds by skyscrapers, it shows that buildings need to adopt a better system in order to avoid such unnecessary loss. In fact, there is a rather simple solution, as the title of the series gives away.

Light pollution is often the underlying culprit to these deaths, and so if people turned off the lights in these skyscrapers, a big change can be made. According to Fast Co. Design, "Songbirds use the constellations to guide them as they migrate at night, and bright cities can confuse them." If the images in the Lights Out Baltimore, Downtown Fatalities photo series doesn't make an impact to do so, then nothing will.
Trend Themes
1. Light Pollution - Opportunity to develop innovative lighting solutions that minimize the impact on birds and other nocturnal animals.
2. Sustainable Architecture - Opportunity to design skyscrapers that consider the ecological impact on wildlife and incorporate features that reduce bird collisions.
3. Urban Wildlife Conservation - Opportunity to raise awareness and implement measures to protect and preserve urban wildlife, including migratory birds.
Industry Implications
1. Lighting Industry - Opportunity to create bird-friendly lighting solutions that reduce bird collisions in urban environments.
2. Architecture Industry - Opportunity to design sustainable and bird-safe buildings that minimize bird collisions and preserve wildlife habitats.
3. Conservation Industry - Opportunity to develop conservation programs and initiatives that focus on protecting urban wildlife, including migratory birds.

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