Three-Eyed Illustrations

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Lauren Albert is a "Master of Psychedelic Figures and Worlds"

Lauren Albert's illustrations are completely surreal. Life Lounge is definitely on to something as they observe that her work resembles the feeling of "Dr Seuss on steroids." Though wacky and wonderful, these works however, are not at all innocent.

Based in New York, Lauren Albert (a.k.a. LaLa), is a textile designer by day, whose number one passion seems to lie in this bizarre world she has drawn up. A self-proclaimed "master of psychedelic figures and worlds," she is available for freelance work and on commission.
Trend Themes
1. Psychedelic Art - Psychedelic art is on the rise as people look for new and unique ways to express themselves.
2. Surreal Illustrations - Surreal illustrations are becoming increasingly popular as people seek to explore different dimensions of reality.
3. Commissioned Artwork - With more people looking for personalized and unique art, commissioned artwork is becoming a hot trend in the art world.
Industry Implications
1. Textile Design - Textile designers can generate new ideas and innovations by incorporating surreal and psychedelic designs into their fabrics and patterns.
2. Interior Design - Interior designers can integrate surreal and psychedelic artwork into their designs to create unique and captivating spaces.
3. Advertising - Advertisers can utilize the trend of psychedelic and surreal artwork in their campaigns to create eye-catching and memorable ads.

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