Marvelous Motif Branding

La Loo's Ice Cream Packaging is Caked in Cutesy Patterns

While little would tempt me to a pint of dairy dessert, La Loo's Ice Cream packaging makes this product all the more irresistible.

Designed by the creative agency Meat and Potatoes, these cute containers make the sweet treat all the more delectable. Featuring the brand's trademark flower patterning, the charming motifs have been repeated into a checkered patina that gives the item a light and delicate look.

La Loo's Ice Cream packaging holds delightful flavors of a slightly unusual goat's milk frozen yogurt. Baby Vanilla, Peanut Butter & Jelly and Raspberry are three of the saccharine savors, well complemented by such endearing brand design. This scrumptious product is sweet on the eyes far before it hits the lips.
Trend Themes
1. Motif Packaging Design - Packaging design that features cute and charming motifs is becoming a trend in the food industry.
2. Unconventional Ice Cream Flavors - Ice cream made from unusual ingredients such as goat's milk is becoming a trend in the food industry.
3. Repeat Pattern Design - Pattern designs that make use of repeated motifs are becoming a trend in the packaging industry.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage Industry - Brands in the Food and Beverage industry can leverage cute and charming motifs in their packaging designs to enhance their products' appeal.
2. Packaging Industry - The Packaging industry can make use of repeat pattern design to create aesthetically pleasing and eye-catching packages that stand out on store shelves.
3. Dairy Industry - The Dairy industry can innovate by offering unusual ice cream flavors, such as goat's milk, to cater to a growing market of consumers looking for unique and healthy options.

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