Children-Geared Calculators

Knock Knock by Khalil Klouche is a Clever Tactile Educational Toy

Knock Knock by Khalil Klouche, a graphic and media design student at HEAD Geneva University, is a calculator for kids. A clever tactile creation, it revolves around the idea of knocks, hence its name. Essentially, a child (or adult, for that matter) is encouraged to knock a calculation on it and it proceeds to knock back an answer. It not only teaches them the basics of math, but it also fosters their imaginations as they wonder about the little person residing inside.

Made out of Arduino board, contact microphones and solenoids, Knock Knock by Khalil Klouche was created for the Touch! exhibition at the Museum of design and contemporary art (MUDAC) in Lausanne, Switzerland. It will also be featured at the Lift conference.
Trend Themes
1. Tactile Learning - There is room for innovation in creating more tactile educational toys that cater to children's learning needs.
2. Interactive Devices - The trend of creating interactive devices that can make learning more engaging for children is growing and presents opportunities for new products.
3. Customized Learning - The use of technology to create customized learning experiences for children is a trend that is likely to continue with the integration of AI.
Industry Implications
1. Educational Toys - Innovative companies that design educational toys with unique interactive features, such as contact microphones and solenoids, can stand out in this market and appeal to parents looking for engaging ways to teach their children.
2. Tech Gadgets - Tech companies can create more interactive learning devices like calculators that encourage children to be more hands-on and engaged learners, by incorporating artificial intelligence and other modern technologies.
3. Museum Exhibitions - Designers can take inspiration from museum exhibitions to create tactile educational toys and innovations, and gain recognition from the industry as well as users.

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