DNA Testing on Mummies

King Tut May Have Babies

Scientists in Cairo are carrying out DNA tests on King Tut and two tiny fetuses. These tests will determine whether or not the fetuses are King Tut's babies.

King Tutankhamun's parental tests are part of a larger DNA testing program. The program will help to link hundreds of mummies and unravel dozens of Egyptian mysteries.

And you thought Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's babies were a big deal!

The two fetuses, five and seven months old, were discovered in King Tut's Luxor tomb in 1922.

BTW, recreated King Tut images shown are from National Geographic's special on 'King Tut's New Face'
Trend Themes
1. Mummy DNA Testing - New scientific researches in the field of DNA testing on mummies are unveiling breakthrough information about the genetics of ancient civilizations.
2. Genetic Genealogy - Genetic genealogy is transforming the way we understand the history and lineage of individuals, families, and cultures over time.
3. Ancient Mysteries - The study of ancient DNA is bringing new insights into the mysteries of the past, including migration patterns, cultural interactions, and the spread of diseases.
Industry Implications
1. Archaeology - Advances in mummy DNA testing technology are changing the way archaeologists uncover the secrets of ancient civilizations.
2. Healthcare - The use of DNA testing on mummies could provide insight into diseases that afflicted ancient populations and could have implications for modern healthcare.
3. Tourism - DNA testing on mummies has the potential to spark public interest and create new tourism opportunities centered around ancient civilizations and their DNA research discoveries.

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