Numeric Chairs

Keyboard Seats Add Geeky Color to Home Decor

The Keyboard Numbers Chair by Simone Micheli is a colorful addition to geektastic home decor.

The chair is multi-colored mishmosh of keyboard numbers that were randomly placed in this unusual seating design.

The contoured shape of the chair makes for comfortable seating--perhaps for those long nights playing your video games?

Implications - The nerds that were once viewed as social outcasts are recognized as the geniuses they are in today's digitized society. Geeks are looking to wear their nerdiness like a badge of honor, resulting in the geek chic wave that has taken over industries like fashion and interior design. Pieces like the Keyboard Seat provide consumers with the perfect way to execute geek chic, which calls for a pinch of panache with a healthy serving of nerdiness.
Trend Themes
1. Geek Chic Wave - The rise of the geek chic trend presents an opportunity for fashion and interior design industries to create products that combine style with nerdiness.
2. Digitized Society - As society becomes more digital-focused, there is a growing demand for products that cater to the technologically savvy consumers.
3. Nerdy Home Decor - The increasing acceptance and celebration of nerd culture leads to a demand for home decor items that showcase individuality and geekiness.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - The fashion industry can tap into the geek chic trend by designing clothing and accessories that incorporate elements of nerdiness.
2. Interior Design Industry - The interior design industry can create products that fuse style and technology, catering to consumers who seek unique and geeky home decor.
3. Technology Industry - The technology industry can explore opportunities to create innovative products that enhance the digital lifestyle of consumers, such as smart home devices with a geeky touch.

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