Safari Cinema-Replicated Cars

Two Boys Turn an Old Subaru into a Jurassic Park Car

This Jurassic Park car from DIY boys is an excellent replica of the real thing. The pictures were uploaded to cjswan's account on Imgur. The account includes the pictures from the entire process, blurbs and a back story on the process.

The vehicle looks absolutely ready for a safari. It includes incredible detail from the logo of Jurassic Park on the side and the hood, as well as the iconic green, red and yellow colors typical of the car.

The timing of this Jurassic Park car could not be better. With the release of Jurassic Park 3D in theaters and talks of de-extinction of species, cjswan and his friends will be fully prepared in this brilliant ride. The best part is, it isn't stuck on a computer operated track, so they can manually take it wherever they desire.
Trend Themes
1. Replicated Cars - The trend of replicating cars from movies or pop culture is becoming more popular.
2. DIY Vehicles - The trend of creating your own vehicles using scrap materials or old cars is increasing among young adults.
3. Retro-fitting Cars - The trend for retrofitting older cars with modern and futuristic features is gaining popularity.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - The automotive industry can explore the market for DIY vehicle building by providing more affordable parts for customization and retro-fitting.
2. Movie and TV Production - Movie and TV production can leverage the demand for replica cars by collaborating with automotive brands to create licensed merchandise for fans.
3. Tourism and Hospitality - The tourism and hospitality industry can incorporate DIY vehicles into their offerings by providing safari experiences in parks that allow visitors to bring their unique cars for a personalized adventure.

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