Anti-Jetlag Glasses

Re-Set Your Body's Clock on the Fly

If you travel across different timezones, you know how it feels to be jetlagged. You become sleepy, moody, can't concentrate and you have a hard time staying awake in the day, and can't fall sleep at night. The Re-Time Jetlag Glasses solve this problem.

The glasses will adjust your body's natural clock so it is "in-sync" with your new destination time. It does so by means of blue-green LED lights that attach to a battery pack on the glasses. The LEDs on the are scientifically proven to alter circadian rhythms.

If you visit Re-Time's website you'll find a lot of information on how it works, the science behind it, and literately links to proove it. And best of all, the glasses don't look goofy, they're actually pretty stylish.
Trend Themes
1. Circadian Rhythm Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunities include developing wearable devices that use LED lights to alter circadian rhythms for improved sleep and adjustment to new time zones.
2. Travel Tech - Disruptive innovation opportunities include creating technology solutions for frequent travelers to alleviate the negative effects of jet lag, such as portable devices or apps.
3. Wellness Wearables - Disruptive innovation opportunities include designing fashionable wearables that not only track health data but also have functionality to help sync the body's natural clock with different time zones.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - Disruptive innovation opportunities include integrating circadian rhythm technology into medical devices or treatments to improve patient outcomes and sleep disorders.
2. Travel and Hospitality - Disruptive innovation opportunities include incorporating jet lag solutions into hotel amenities or airline services to enhance the travel experience.
3. Fashion and Accessories - Disruptive innovation opportunities include collaborating with technology companies to develop stylish wearable devices that improve sleep and adjust body clock for fashion-forward consumers.

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