Toilet-Going Installations

Jeong Mi Lee Makes Viewers See the Bathroom Process in a New Light

Jeong Mi Lee is a modern artist who likes to explore certain aspects of human behaviour that are not normally discussed. In her latest series called 'Power of the Poop,' she examines what it's like to go to the bathroom in an unconventional setting, namely with a camera pointing at her that will then be going online.

While the entire thing is slightly discomforting to watch (it's not often you observe a full video of someone on The John), it goes to show how taboo certain subjects are. Talking about the fact that women do indeed go to the washroom is something that is not considered acceptable, but Jeong Mi Lee challenges this notion with her slightly comical, complete bathroom experience installation, sound effects and all. Photo Credits: designboom, lee-jeongmi
Trend Themes
1. Taboo-breaking Installations - Opportunity to challenge societal taboos through unconventional art installations.
2. Unconventional Media Use - Opportunity to use non-traditional media to showcase unique perspectives on societal issues.
3. Human Behaviour Examination - Opportunity to explore and highlight aspects of human behaviour that are often ignored.
Industry Implications
1. Art - Opportunity for artists to use their work to reflect societal attitudes and challenge norms.
2. Media - Opportunity for media outlets to platform unusual art, ideas and creators, and make them more accessible to the general public.
3. Sociology - Opportunity for researchers to further study the impact of societal taboos on individuals and find ways to break them down.

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