Itty-Bitty iPhone Dioramas

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JD Hancock Creates Fun Summer Scenes With His iPhone

JD Hancock is a website and app designer who spends some of his spare time making iPhone miniature scenes. These miniature models look incredibly cute and show off the iPhone's range of apps and capabilities.

My favorite of JD Hancock's iPhone miniature scenes has to be 'Swimming in the iPool.' Community swimming pools are a summer standard, and JD Hancock manages to capture that using only an iPhone and some miniatures. Check out the gallery or click the links to see more of JD Hancock's work.
Trend Themes
1. Miniature Scene Craze - Creating miniature scenes for social media is becoming increasingly popular, presenting opportunities to develop unique products and services for those seeking to add flair to their online presence.
2. DIY Smartphone Photoshoot - DIY Smartphone Photoshoots are now being taken to a whole new level with the advent of miniature scene creation, allowing individuals to showcase their creativity and share it on social media increasing the popularity of miniature figures and decor.
3. Iphone as Art Medium - Making use of iPhones as artistic medium enables users to showcase their creativity and opens up new possibilities in the field of Art, presenting new opportunities to expand the market for external accessories such as miniature props, lighting equipment and miniature decor.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Industry - The miniature scene craze presents an avenue for miniature toy makers into the mainstream market as the miniature scene craze goes viral on social media.
2. Mobile App Industry - As social media platforms become a popular destination for sharing miniature scenes, mobile apps that allow users to construct and share miniature scenes can be developed, presenting a market opportunity for app developers.
3. Photography Industry - Developing miniature photography as a sub-niche can help to increase revenues for product manufacturers such as miniature figure makers, mobile lighting equipment makers, miniature decor makers, and photography product manufacturers.

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