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They're Back?

Come On! You knew it was gonna come back! That's right, the Mullet is back! Never has a hairstyle caused such controversy, pitting family member against family member, trailer park against trailer park. To make matters worse, as evidenced by one of the pictures I gathered from Mullet's Galore, it's not just for men anymore. The female mullet is in! So shake your Mullet-Maker all you hip and trendy wearers! Not! Check out the website though, they've got some crazy Mullet junk over there and even a "Mullet-Touching-Expidition". Where do I sign up for that one? I wanna touch the Mullet!
Trend Themes
1. Mullet Fashion - There is an opportunity to innovate in fashion by redesigning the mullet and making it more modern and stylish.
2. Gender-fluid Hairstyles - There is an opportunity to create hairstyles that can be worn by both men and women, breaking traditional gender norms.
3. Nostalgia in Fashion - There is an opportunity to bring back other retro fashion trends from the past and update them for modern times.
Industry Implications
1. Hair and Beauty Industry - The hair and beauty industry can create new products and services that cater to the growing demand for unique hairstyles.
2. Fashion Industry - The fashion industry can incorporate mullets and other retro trends into their designs to create a sense of nostalgia and uniqueness.
3. Marketing Industry - The marketing industry can use nostalgia and retro trends to create memorable campaigns and products that resonate with consumers.

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