Wheelchair Handling Apps

The 'iPortal' System Keeps You In-the-Know and On-the-Go

Originally launched last year, the 'iPortal' system is a dashboard application for the iPhone or iPod Touch, designed for the support of people with physical disabilities. Dynamic Controls has recently made some upgrades to the program that makes it even more user-friendly.

With built-in Bluetooth technology, the 'iPortal' system gives its user the ability to monitor his wheelchair's speed, battery life and the seat's position. Complete with an emergency contact button, power-chair event logging and all of the usual iPhone capabilities, the new 'iPortal' System is now souped up with a joystick for those with minimal use of their arms.
Trend Themes
1. Wheelchair Tracking Technology - There is an opportunity to develop wheelchair tracking systems that enable remote tracking and real-time assistance for wheelchair users.
2. Robotic Wheelchairs - There is an opportunity to develop automated robotic wheelchairs that can operate without manual intervention and assist users with physical disabilities.
3. Augmented Reality for Wheelchair Users - There is an opportunity to develop augmented reality applications that can provide wheelchair users with information on the accessibility of locations and assist with navigation.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare Industry - The healthcare industry can explore the development of innovative technologies to improve the quality of life for people with physical disabilities.
2. Technology Industry - The technology industry can leverage the power of emerging technologies to create innovative products and services that cater to the needs of people with physical disabilities.
3. Transportation Industry - The transportation industry can develop innovative products and services that cater to the special needs of people with physical disabilities and provide them with efficient and seamless transportation options.

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