Adult Video Conference Apps

The Potential Naughty iPhone 4 Facetime Dilemma

With much buzz towards the iPhone 4 Facetime feature being used for naughty video chatting, the company has definite concerns about its squeaky-clean image.

Being an optimal selling point to the new apple gadget, the iPhone 4 Facetime feature is a convenient way for friends and family to keep in touch. Adult companies, however, are using this concept to their advantage. Undeniably, using iPhone 4 Facetime to connect individuals looking for a "good time" is ultra convenient. Further, with adult companies even providing their employees with iPhones to promote this venture, this could take off.
Trend Themes
1. Naughty Video Chatting - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop secure and private video chat platforms that cater specifically to adult content.
2. Promotion of Adult Content on Iphone 4 Facetime - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a content filtering system for iPhone 4 Facetime to prevent the promotion of adult content.
3. Integration of Adult Entertainment and Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore partnerships between adult entertainment companies and technology companies to create new adult video conference apps.
Industry Implications
1. Adult Entertainment - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop new business models that leverage technology to create innovative adult content delivery platforms.
2. Telecommunications - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Provide secure and private video conferencing solutions for various industries, including adult entertainment.
3. Mobile Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create mobile apps and platforms that offer secure and private video chatting options for adults.

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