Tablet Magazine Launches

The 'Toronto Tempest' Set to Release Bi-Monthly Issues on the iPad

Editor and Publisher Simon Wallace has launched Toronto's first iPad magazine. Exclusively available to tablet users, the 'Toronto Tempest' is revolutionizing the delivery of online publication, and will moreover delve into a slew of hot topics.

According to Wallace, the Toronto Tempest iPad magazine will feature articles on poetry, feminism and violence -- topics that are seldom covered within this digital platform. For the online user in search of something fresh and intelligible, this periodical may be just the right answer.

Fully embracing a growing iPad magazine movement, the Toronto Tempest is now being sold on iTunes and will be available on a bi-monthly basis. In the future, Wallace hopes to expand the enterprise by teaming up with the Android and iPhone digital markets.
Trend Themes
1. Ipad Magazine Movement - The growth of iPad magazine is opening huge opportunities for businesses and publishers that want to engage readers in new, innovative ways.
2. Tablet-only Publications - Tablet-only publications present immense potential for businesses that look to gain momentum in the media industry with less upfront investment than required for a print version.
3. Diversity in Digital Media - There is an increasing need for diversity and representation in digital media to include topics that will appeal to a wider range of readers.
Industry Implications
1. Media and Publishing Industry - The media and publishing industry has wide-ranging opportunities to take advantage of the increased consumer adoption of digital media and tablets.
2. Technology Industry - The technology industry has opportunities to develop new tools and applications to target tablet users who are revolutionizing the delivery of online publications.
3. Marketing Industry - The marketing industry has an immense opportunity to harness the power of tablet-only publications in creating innovative ways to communicate with audiences.

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