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The 'iOS 6 Maps: an Explanation From Apple' Parody Examines the Issues

The 'iOS 6 Maps: an Explanation From Apple' parody examines the key issues surrounding the recently released Apple software update for the iPhone and the iPad. The maps app that Apple has given to the iPhone replaces the maps app run by Google as part of its competitive process with the giant information house. However, unlike with the Google maps app, people have been experiencing a variety of glitches and are lashing back at the corporation.

The new Apple maps app has been creating some interesting and confusing problems for users -- places that don't exist, the relocation of places that do and a generalized strange look for others. The iOS 6 Maps: an Explanation From Apple parody is done to look like an actual Apple commercial -- same simple font, style and ideas -- yet parodies the corporation's newly released product. As a mandatory update for iPhone 5 users, the maps app is here to stay. Perhaps, as the video suggests, iOS 6.1 will be a different story.
Trend Themes
1. Maps App Glitches - As Apple's maps app faces glitches and backlash, opportunities exist for disruptive innovation to improve location-based services.
2. Parody as Social Commentary - The use of parody as a commentary on product issues offers opportunities for companies to leverage humor as a means of addressing concerns with their products or services.
3. Update Requirements - Developing a better system for requiring updates could create opportunities for disruptive innovation in both software and hardware industries.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - As technology advances, there are opportunities for the development of better and more accurate location-based services.
2. Media and Entertainment - The use of parody as a commentary on product issues represents an opportunity for companies in the media and entertainment industries to provide commentary on current events.
3. Retail - The need to constantly update and improve products presents an opportunity for retailers to provide innovative hardware and software solutions for customers.

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