Retro-Inspired Space Tourism

Intergalactic Travel Bureau Posters by Steven Thomas is Adventurous

Travelling to another world may not seem so far-fetched an idea thanks to the Intergalactic Travel Bureau posters. Although inspired by retro artwork from the 1950s, the images promote adventurous getaways including skiing at Pluto, exploring the red canyons of Mars and climbing the rocks of Titan, Saturn's largest moon.

The Intergalactic Travel Bureau posters were designed by Steven Thomas and are part of the giveaways for supporting the bureau's crowdfunded tour, which was initiated on Kickstarter. Surpassing its $15,000 goal, the Intergalactic Travel Bureau will host pop-ups across America and Britain to help people plan their fantasy trip into space. As written on its Kickstarter page, "Our vision is to revolutionize how audiences experience science through live events that connect people with science in new ways."
Trend Themes
1. Space Tourism - The emergence of space tourism highlights innovative opportunities for the travel, aerospace, and hospitality industries to create unique experiences and services in space.
2. Retro Design - Retro-inspired designs, similar to those used in the Intergalactic Travel Bureau posters, are becoming increasingly popular in various industries such as fashion, graphic design, and interior design, creating new opportunities for businesses to incorporate nostalgic elements into modern products and services.
3. Crowdfunding Campaigns - The success of crowdfunded campaigns, such as the Intergalactic Travel Bureau's tour, demonstrates innovative opportunities for startups and entrepreneurs to launch and finance creative projects by leveraging the power of the internet and social media.
Industry Implications
1. Travel - The emergence of space tourism presents opportunities for the travel industry to create unique itineraries and experiences for those seeking to explore space.
2. Aerospace - The rise of space tourism presents opportunities for the aerospace industry to innovate new spacecraft technology and capabilities, as well as transportation systems that can support recreational space travel.
3. Marketing and Advertising - The success of the Intergalactic Travel Bureau's posters highlights new opportunities for companies in the marketing and advertising industry to incorporate retro-inspired designs and nostalgia into their campaigns.

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