Thought-Controlled Entertainment

The Interaxon Headset Provides a Telekinetic Experience

At CES 2011, InteraXon introduced new headsets that define the future of technology.

InteraXon has already created a telekinetic headset that you can control lights with. Now they're venturing into the multimedia business with one that controls iPad games. This InteraXon innovation is supposed to help improve concentration and let you know how well your brain functions. See the video above to watch how it works.
Trend Themes
1. Thought-controlled Entertainment - Opportunities for creating new forms of telekinetic entertainment that allow consumers to control the experience with their thoughts.
2. Brain-machine Interfaces - Development of more advanced brain-machine interfaces with applications in a variety of sectors, from healthcare to gaming.
3. Quantified Self - Opportunities for developing devices that help consumers monitor and quantify their cognitive functions.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming - Integration of thought-controlled technology in gaming to provide consumers with a more immersive, interactive experience.
2. Healthcare - Incorporating brain-machine interfaces in healthcare to monitor and treat cognitive disorders and brain injuries.
3. Consumer Electronics - Continued development of advanced brain–machine interfaces and the incorporation of these technologies in a range of consumer electronic devices.

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