Sculpturally Caged Captures

This 'In Your Room' Photo Series is Futuristically Edgy

Though there isn't even a building on set, there is something stunningly architectural about the 'In Your Room' photo series. Featuring a sculptural cage that sets the edgy tone, this editorial also combines fashion designs that add a futuristic vibe.

Photographed by Spain-based Jose Morraja for Neo2, the 'In Your Room' photo series was styled by Leticia Orúe Domínguez. Although there appears to be a lot going on in this shoot, Morraja does a great job making you focus on the rather colorful clothing pieces.
Trend Themes
1. Architectural Fashion - The fusion of fashion and architecture in the 'In Your Room' photo series presents opportunities to explore sculptural fashion design.
2. Futuristic Styling - The futuristic styling in the 'In Your Room' photo series opens up opportunities for the development of forward-looking clothing designs.
3. Sculptural Photography - The use of sculptural cages in the 'In Your Room' photo series provides opportunities to experiment with artistic and visually striking photography techniques.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion designers can explore sculptural and futuristic designs in clothing using the 'In Your Room' photo series as inspiration.
2. Photography - Photographers can experiment with sculptural cages and other unique structures to create visually stunning and artistic photo shoots inspired by the 'In Your Room' series.
3. Architecture - Architects can take inspiration from the sculptural cages used in the 'In Your Room' photo series to create unique building designs that are both functional and visually striking.

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