Horrific Climate Change Apps

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'Images of Change' App Shows Us the Horrid Effects of Climate Change

In order to bring people around to the awareness of the detrimental effects of climate change and global warming that can impact people and nature, NASA has created a smartphone app called 'Images of Change' to depict the almost unbelievable side effects of climate change on our planet Earth.

The app features glaciers, landscapes and rivers in Alaska, Chile and Tanzania, being drastically decreased in size over the past decades. The shocking before and after photos allows us to be witness to the horrifying effects after only a few decades of global climate change.

In the day and age where almost everyone owns a smartphone, NASA has capitalized on this and has created an app that leaves us no excuse into being ignorant of the irreversible effects of climate change.
Trend Themes
1. Climate Visualization Apps - Apps that visually depict the effects of climate change through before and after photos will become popular among climate action advocates.
2. Interactive Climate Education - Interactive educational tools that allow users to explore the effects of climate change on different regions of the planet will become more prevalent.
3. Citizen Science Climate Monitoring - Apps that allow citizens to report on climate conditions in their region and contribute to climate science research will gain popularity.
Industry Implications
1. Environmental Technology - Environmental tech companies can create augmented reality apps that showcase the impact of climate change on local environments and wildlife.
2. Education - Educational institutions can develop interactive tools that allow students to see the impact of climate change on a global scale.
3. Science Research - Climate science research can benefit from citizen participation in monitoring climate conditions and contributing to research through mobile or web apps.

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