Plush Tribute Toys

The iCEO Steve Jobs Doll is Charitable

The iCEO Steve Jobs Doll is not an official Apple product, nor does the late technology tycoon's name appear anywhere on the manufacture's page. However, the resemblance to Jobs is uncanny -- and undoubtedly, intentional.

The pillow-soft doll was created by Throwboy. The company is known for its other technology-themed cushions that reference social media and shorthand texting lingo.

The gray-haired doll stands a little over a foot-tall, and sports Jobs' signature ensemble of a black turtleneck, blue jeans and running shoes.

The iCEO Steve Jobs Doll will be produced in a small quantity of 1,200 with 10% of the proceeds from each doll going to support the American Cancer Society.

The doll is set to ship out this August, unless Apple launches a lawsuit to halt the tribute doll from being delivered.
Trend Themes
1. Plush Tribute Toys - Opportunity to create custom plush toys that pay homage to iconic figures and support charitable causes.
2. Social Media-themed Cushions - Creating soft cushions that reflect popular social media platforms and internet lingo.
3. Technology-themed Pillows - Designing pillows inspired by technology icons and gadgets.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Manufacturing - Incorporating the trend of creating tribute dolls and plush toys into the toy manufacturing industry.
2. Charitable Organizations - Partnering with companies to create products that donate a portion of the proceeds to charitable causes.
3. Home Decor - Introducing technology-themed cushions and pillows as unique and trendy home decor items.

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