Drink-Holding Handwarmers

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Panera's Iced & Toasty Bread Bowl Glove Holds an Iced Coffee Cup

Panera's Iced & Toasty Bread Bowl is a quirky creation that was created to help people hold their iced coffee in the winter and keep their hands warm. The bread bowl-shaped glove was created in response to the fact that 78% of Americans reportedly continue to drink iced coffee when temperatures drop. With these customers in mind, Panera set out to create an unconventional handwarmer and as realistic as it looks, it's made out of fabric rather than real bread.

The novelty product is being given away to a handful of people online so that iced coffee lovers can continue comfortably sipping their beverage of choice throughout the winter. Panera told Food & Wine: ""With our unlimited premium coffee subscription, we've seen just how much our customers love their iced coffee, no matter what time of year. So, we thought we'd have a little fun and create a limited-edition item."
Trend Themes
1. Winter Drink-holding Handwarmers - Winter-themed drink-holding handwarmers as a novelty product for coffee lovers.
2. Novelty Handwarmer Promotions - Fast food chains offering handwarmers as a promotional product for their winter beverage sales.
3. Innovative Handwarmer Designs - Designers creating unique and creative handwarmer designs as a fashion statement and functional winter accessory.
Industry Implications
1. Fast Food / Coffee Chains - Fast food and coffee chains offering novelty handwarmers as a promotional item for sales during winter months.
2. Fashion - Designers creating unique and creative handwarmer designs as a fashion statement and functional winter accessory.
3. Promotional Products - Innovative designs and creative use of promotional items such as handwarmers for marketing campaigns and brand recognition.

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