Hygienic iPhone Apps

The Unique Automation iBath Lets You Run Water from a Distance

If you hate waiting around for the tub to fill with water for that perfect relaxation time, then this is just the iPhone app for you.

The iBath by Unique Automation is an iPhone application that lets you fill your tub from another room, or even while on your way home.

The application sends a signal to your tub which then makes sure its ready for you when you need it.

However, the iBath only works with Unique Automation's bath-o-matic tubs that cost upwards of £4,000.
Trend Themes
1. Remote-controlled Home Appliances - Innovative automation technologies such as iBath are changing how consumers interact with their home appliances.
2. Smartphone-enabled Hygiene - iBath is one of many hygiene-related apps utilizing smartphone technology to improve the user experience, presenting opportunities for new applications and devices.
3. Seamless User Experience - iBath's efficient and convenient automation technology reflects the growing demand for seamless and intuitive user experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Home Automation - iBath exemplifies the potential for automation to reshape how we interact with everyday household appliances.
2. Luxury Bathroom Furnishings - Unique Automation's high-end bath-o-matic tubs and iBath app cater to the growing demand for luxury bathroom furnishings, creating opportunities for similar offerings.
3. Mobile App Development - The success of iBath highlights the potential for mobile app development in the home automation and luxury bathroom markets.

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