Tapered Wireframe Furniture Legs

The Hudson Side Table by Tronk Design is Like the Eiffel Tower

The Hudson Side Table is bound to bring to mind the Eiffel Tower. Although it boasts three legs instead of four, the wireframe aesthetic recalls the latticed style of the structure beautifully. Of course, it is much more modern and streamlined than the French architectural landmark.

Designed by Tronk Design, a furniture company based in Cincinnati, Ohio, the Hudson Side Table is topped with a wooden surface that complements the metal base perfectly. The powder-coated base of intersecting legs is available in a variety of colors including red, green, orange, yellow, white or black while the tabletop comes in either walnut with maple inlayed or maple with a walnut inlay.

Elegant and slim, the Hudson Side Table strikes a chic sophisticated stance in living spaces and offices.
Trend Themes
1. Wireframe Furniture - Opportunity for designing furniture with a wireframe aesthetic similar to the Eiffel Tower.
2. Modern Streamlined Design - Opportunity to create sleek and minimalist furniture designs.
3. Colorful Powder-coated Bases - Opportunity to offer furniture with vibrant and customizable powder-coated metal bases.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Design - Disruptive innovation in the furniture industry by incorporating wireframe aesthetics.
2. Interior Design - Opportunity to introduce modern and streamlined furniture designs into interior spaces.
3. Metal Fabrication - Opportunity to provide custom powder-coating services for furniture manufacturers.

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