LED Basketball Courts

NIKE and ALQA Build the House of Mamba Court

It's not often that one sees a basketball court completely decked out in LED lights and coloring, however the House of Mamba is aiming to change this perception through a tour of China. NIKE and ALQA have collaborated to come up with this design, which also takes inspiration from Kobe Bryant.

The court will change coloring and lighting depending on certain drills being done, and also to motivate players. Since Kobe Bryant recently worked with certain Chinese basketball players, NIKE thought it would be a good idea to base the LED system off the training regiment of the popular NBA star. After all, learning from the best will certain help one's chances of succeeding in no matter what they do. Photo Credits: designboom, akqa
Trend Themes
1. LED Basketball Courts - Opportunity for sports and technology industries to collaborate and create innovative sports training environments.
2. Adaptive Training Environments - Development of personalized training environments for athletes using technology and real-time data.
3. Athlete-inspired Collaborations - Opportunities for companies to collaborate with successful athletes to co-create innovative products and experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Sports Technology - Innovations that integrate technology and sports to create personalized training solutions.
2. Athletic Apparel - Opportunity for companies to integrate LED technology into sports apparel and create interactive clothing.
3. Sports Events and Experiences - Opportunities for event companies to create immersive and personalized experiences for athletes and sports fans using technology and data.

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