Recyled Computer Abodes

Bill Thomson and Ken Gerberick Create a Tech-Inspired Homeless Shelter

Outside the Science Center building in Vancouver, BC, you can find a homeless shelter built by Bill Thomson and Ken Gerberick. This temporary art installation that acts as a shelter is constructed from old computer hardware.

The tech haven for the homeless is no ordinary homeless shelter. The hundreds of pieces of recycled computer equipment looks to be more sturdy than to what most unfortunate people living on the streets are used to.

Implications - This development is very telling of the current consumer condition at the moment. People are increasingly concerned with recycling and this pattern endorses green initiatives that include recycled homes. Businesses can benefit by finding a way to incorporate the same tools used for this carbon-free footprint home for their own products.
Trend Themes
1. Recycled Technology - Repurposed technology being used for housing solutions.
2. Green Homes - Homes created with eco-friendly materials to reduce carbon footprint.
3. Homelessness Solutions - Innovative solutions for the global issue of homelessness.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Opportunities for companies to repurpose technology for environmentally-friendly solutions.
2. Construction - Innovation opportunities for using recycled materials in home construction.
3. Social Services - Innovations and opportunities for non-profits and government agencies to address the issue of homelessness with new solutions.

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