House-Sharing Workspaces

Hoffice Transforms Private Homes into Temporary Coworking Spaces

The idea of sharing has become an online phenomenon that connects people in ways that are mutually beneficial; the latest website being Swedish-based Hoffice. Hoffice allows homeowners to share their living areas as temporary coworking spaces. Especially great for remote workers and freelancers who don't often have in-person contact with anyone, Hoffice bridges the gap of professionalism and companionship.

Hoffice also brings structure to workdays. Based on research suggesting people can't concentrate for more than 40 minutes at a time, Hoffice encourages everyone to work in 45-minute shifts, taking a break after an alarm sounds. Striking the perfect balance between community and productivity, Hoffice is now consulting with organizations that want to experiment with new ways to work. Surprisingly, Hoffice participants open their home to others for free.
Trend Themes
1. Shared Spaces - Opportunities for businesses to utilize existing spaces for coworking and collaboration.
2. Productive Communities - Growing demand for workspaces that provide opportunities for socialization and productivity, with a focus on remote workers and freelancers.
3. Time Management Tools - Innovative technologies and services aimed at improving productivity through break reminders and other time management tools.
Industry Implications
1. Real Estate - Reinventing the traditional real estate model to accommodate shared living and working spaces.
2. Technology - Developing technologies that optimize productivity and well-being in shared workspaces.
3. Human Resources - Partnering with workspaces to provide flexible and innovative ways for employees to work.

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