Built-In Ladder Bookshelves

Higher Ground by Said the King Makes Top Shelf Access Even Easier

There are a number of reasons why bookshelves in the home are not as soaringly high as those found in traditional libraries and quaint bookstores; yet Higher Ground may change that. It boasts a built-in ladder that makes accessing the top shelf incredibly easy. Instead of having to grab a stool or ask a tall friend to grab something from the top, Higher Ground provides a built-in solution.

Designed by Said the King, a Toronto-based design studio founded by Karen King, is made out of reclaimed and sustainably harvested hardwood including Hickory, Oak and Ash. Designed and built in Canada, the ladder pulls out from the existing frame to reveal three sturdy steps and generous handholds.
Trend Themes
1. Built-in Ladder Furniture - Opportunities for furniture manufacturers to incorporate built-in ladders in their designs for increased accessibility.
2. Sustainable Hardwood Materials - Opportunities to use reclaimed and sustainably harvested hardwood materials in furniture manufacturing for eco-conscious consumers.
3. Space-saving Home Designs - Opportunities for architects and interior designers to incorporate space-saving features such as built-in ladders in their designs to maximize space in smaller homes or apartments.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Manufacturing - Incorporating built-in ladders in furniture designs for accessibility and convenience.
2. Sustainable Wood Products - Producing and selling reclaimed and sustainably harvested hardwood materials for furniture and home design products.
3. Home Design and Architecture - Incorporating space-saving features such as built-in ladders in home and apartment designs to optimize space usage.

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