Secretive Smart Billboards

Grocery Store Don Giulio Salumeria is Running a Hidden Ad Campaign

If you want to run a hidden ad in Russia that the police won't find out about, this smart billboard is one potential avenue for you to explore. The billboard advertises banned European products, but shows something else when cops go near.

This came about as a response to the Russian ban on European goods after the European Union (EU) put sanctions against Russia due to the crisis in Ukraine. While many Russian retailers are complying, some -- such as the grocery store Don Giulio Salumeria -- are resorting to hidden ad campaigns to attract customers without alerting the police.

Creative agency 'The 23' helped create the smart billboard, which is located in Moscow. The poster lets people walking past know the store is continuing to sell various European food products.
Trend Themes
1. Hidden Advertising - Opportunities for businesses to create hidden ad campaigns to reach niche markets without alerting authorities.
2. Disruptive Billboards - Innovations in smart billboards that can display different messages depending on specific triggers or conditions.
3. Response to Trade Bans - Businesses finding creative ways to circumvent trade bans and continue selling banned products.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Opportunities for creative agencies and advertisers to develop hidden advertising campaigns and innovative billboard technologies.
2. Retail - Grocery stores and retailers finding strategies to overcome trade bans and attract customers with banned imported products.
3. Creative Services - Opportunities for creative agencies and marketing firms to assist businesses in developing unique and covert advertising methods.

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