Autotuned Sorcery Spoofs

The Harry Potter Friday Parody Helps You Anticipate the Final Film

The Harry Potter Friday Parody by YouTube stars the Hillywood Show is the perfect way to kill some time as you await anxiously for the release of the final film.

The video goes through the first part of the final book to get viewers up to speed while creating humor. The actors touch on key plot points of the series using humor, explaining that "Voldemort sucks" by staging an epic rap battle between Voldemort and Harry Potter in Parseltongue. The Harry Potter Friday Parody is the perfect blend of the viral hit song and the phenomenal franchise.

Implications - When a franchise is truly successful, its influence will stretch far beyond literature or cinema. Furthermore, these iconic franchises begin to garner consumer-generated press, with fans creating their own parodies, videos or fanart. Achieving this level of success is feasible for any company with the bravery to extend into industries other than the initially intended.
Trend Themes
1. Franchise-inspired Parodies - Opportunity for businesses to tap into the popularity of successful franchises by creating their own parodies, videos or fanart.
2. Consumer-generated Press - Companies can harness the power of fan creativity to generate positive publicity and engage a wider audience.
3. Cross-industry Expansion - Brave companies have the opportunity to extend into industries beyond their original focus, leveraging the success of popular franchises.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Opportunity for entertainment companies to create franchise-inspired parodies to engage audiences and tap into the success of popular franchises.
2. Digital Media - Digital media platforms can facilitate the distribution and promotion of consumer-generated press related to popular franchises, generating increased traffic and engagement.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing and advertising agencies can help businesses explore cross-industry expansion opportunities by leveraging the success and fandom of popular franchises.

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