Drop-Point Pocket Knives

The Harrier Knife from Real Steel Has a Unique and Sturdy Design

Known for creating high-end and useful outdoor and homeware products, Real Steel released the new Harrier Knife as a part of a new avian-named pocket knife collection.

The latest model has a 3.54-inch drop-point blade and a flipped tab for fast and safe opening. The lock handle is adorned with a high-end carbon fibre inlay that comes out of the titanium handle to provide extra grip. To minimize friction, the brand added an extra ball into the center to make opening and closing as smooth as possible. All of the materials come together to provide a knife that is rough, hard and offers immaculate edge retention and resistance to corrosion and wear.

The Harrier Knife from Real Steel maximizes utility for each user -- available online now for $345.
Trend Themes
1. Avian-named Pocket Knife Collections - Companies can explore the use of creative names like birds to add uniqueness to their products and provide an overall better branding experience for their customers.
2. Drop-point Blade Pocket Knives - Manufacturers can utilize the drop-point blade design to enhance the cutting performance of their knives and provide a more comfortable and ergonomic grip.
3. Carbon-fiber Inlay in Pocket Knife Handles - Pocket knife makers can use carbon-fiber inlay to improve the handling of their knives and create a more aesthetically pleasing design.
Industry Implications
1. Outdoor Gear - Manufacturers of outdoor gear can incorporate high-end and durable materials like titanium and carbon fiber into their products for higher customer satisfaction and brand recognition.
2. Homeware - Home goods companies can diversify their product lines and offer pocket knives as a functional and stylish item for everyday use.
3. Luxury Goods - Luxury brands can expand their offerings by investing in high-quality pocket knives with unique design elements to appeal to customers interested in both style and functionality.

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