Survey-Based Men's Support Apps

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'' is an Erectile Dysfunction Support Network

'' is an Oakwood Health Network-owned support application for men with erectile dysfunction-related challenges. The application itself serves as a treatment progress tracker, a professional support network, a databank of helpful tips and tricks, and more.

The HARDR app presents users with a six-question survey each month. This survey determines the severity of the condition, the progress made compared to previous months, the types of exercises and treatment plans being used, and the recommended next steps for each user. While this survey and support system work effectively on their own for all users, patients can gain further access to the services available on the HARDR app by becoming a patient of the Oakwood Health Network. These patients have access to an evolving dashboard that shows helpful information related to the treatment and condition progress over time, for as long as they are a patient on the app.
Trend Themes
1. Men's Health Support Apps - There is an opportunity to develop apps that provide specialized support for men's health conditions.
2. Personalized Healthcare Apps - The use of surveys and progress tracking in shows there is a trend towards personalized healthcare apps.
3. Telemedicine Apps - The combination of surveys and professional support in demonstrates an opportunity for telemedicine apps focused on men's reproductive health.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - This trend presents a disruption opportunity for the healthcare industry to develop more specialized digital health solutions.
2. Telehealth - As demonstrates, there is a need for telehealth solutions that cater to men's reproductive health needs.
3. Digital Therapeutics - This trend presents an opportunity for the digital therapeutics industry to create more targeted solutions for men's health conditions.

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