Prearranged Group Dating Services

Grouper is a Group Dating Site That Arranges a Fun Night Out

A new group dating site by the name of Grouper is making online dating pursuits a lot safer and less awkward. The site merely requires the sign up of two friends and the pre-pay your first round of drinks.

If you are a group of girls, the service matches you with a group of three guys and arranges a bar night out. The service provides a fun activity with your friends and comes in especially handy if you are new in a city and want to make friends.

Although essentially aimed at introducing prospective couples, the service arranges the night-outs in a very casual and friendly manner that eases the introductory period and creates an overall fun environment.
Trend Themes
1. Group Dating Services - The trend of group dating services is becoming increasingly popular for those looking for a safer and less awkward way to meet new people.
2. Socializing Through Group Activities - The trend of group dating services is indicative of a larger trend towards socializing through group activities as a way to meet new people.
3. Experiential Dating - Group dating services like Grouper are indicative of a larger trend towards experiential dating, where people seek out unique and exciting experiences to share with potential partners.
Industry Implications
1. Matchmaking Services - Matchmaking services can take inspiration from the group dating trend to develop, safer, more fun, and effective ways for people to meet potential partners.
2. Nightlife and Entertainment - Nightlife and entertainment industries can seize the opportunity of the group dating trend by partnering with group dating services to provide unique and engaging experiences for their clients.
3. Tourism and Hospitality - Tourism and hospitality industries can tap into the group dating trend by providing activities and events specifically designed for groups, particularly those new to an area, looking to meet new people.

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