Green Police

Audi and Cheap Trick Hook Up for Superbowl Ad

The combination of German auto manufacturer Audi and American Rock band Cheap Trick sounds like something from an episode of The Twilight Zone, nonetheless it is real and it’s coming to Super Bowl XLIV.

Cheap Trick actually went back to the studio to re-record their famous hit ‘Dream Police’ as ‘Green Police’ for the Audi A3 TDI clean diesel commercial which will air during the big game. You can also see a teaser trailer of the ‘Green Police’ talking trash in a rather funny PSA here.. (fish taco? really?).
Trend Themes
1. Green Advertising - Businesses can capitalize on increasing environmental awareness among consumers by incorporating sustainability messages and imagery in their advertising campaigns.
2. Collaborative Marketing - Partnering with popular culture icons such as musicians and celebrities can help businesses increase brand recognition and appeal to a wider audience.
3. Humor in Marketing - Incorporating humor in advertisements, such as in Audi's 'Green Police' teaser trailer, can help businesses grab viewers' attention and make a lasting impression.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - Automakers can explore the growing market for clean and sustainable transportation options, such as the Audi A3 TDI clean diesel featured in the 'Green Police' commercial.
2. Music and Entertainment - Musicians and bands can expand their brand and reach a wider audience by partnering with businesses for collaborative marketing campaigns, such as Cheap Trick's collaboration with Audi for the 'Green Police' commercial.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Marketing agencies and advertisers can incorporate humor and timely cultural touchpoints, such as environmentalism, in their campaigns to help clients stand out and connect with audiences, as demonstrated in the 'Green Police' teaser trailer.

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