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Graffiti That Embraces Your Home

Graffitecture is a book that suggest how street art can be brought into the home as a way of life. The end result is an original and cool. All you have to do is find a graffiti punk to paint your house for you. Give him some spray, take him into your home and give him the idea of what you want. Who knows you might find a modern Leonardo daVinci with a cheap budget.
Trend Themes
1. Graffiti Art Integration - Businesses can explore how to integrate graffiti art into their products and services as a unique selling point.
2. DIY Graffiti Kits - Entrepreneurs can create DIY graffiti kits for customers to create their own street art at home.
3. Outdoor Art Events - Businesses can create outdoor art events featuring graffiti artists to connect with younger, artistic audiences.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor - Home decor companies can incorporate graffiti art into their designs, offering a unique and urban style.
2. Art Supply Manufacturing - Art supply manufacturers can create new products specifically targeted at graffiti artists, such as refillable spray cans or specialized tips.
3. Tourism - Cities and local businesses can promote street art tours to showcase the graffiti and murals of the area, creating a new tourism opportunity.

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