Search Engine Robot Concepts

The Google Robot Army is Growing with the Future GoogleBot

Google Corp. recently announced the release of an upcoming Google Robot Army. The search engine giant has bought and acquired 12 robotics companies in the past two months. Google can officially add "robotics" to its brand’s name. Google is moving towards creating and building robotics-based technologies for the future as part of the Google X division. The Google X division is a top secret agency where Google has bought the robotics company DeepMind Technologies. DeepMind is working on projects like the hypothetical Googlebot to the future Google flagship engine.

Google is everywhere and only expanding more. The smart investment of purchasing multiple robotics companies is going to strength the future of Google, solidifying that the next step is robots. Some of the robotics companies now owned by Google are: Schaft Inc, Industrial Perception Inc, Redwood Robotics, Meka Robotics, Holomini and DeepMind Techlogies. 

Google is moving away from the web and mobile markets to build a larger than life Google Robot Army—that will inevitably be the macro-force of the future.
Trend Themes
1. Growing Google Robot Army - The expansion of Google's robot army presents opportunities for innovative robotic technologies and applications.
2. Robotics-based Technologies - The increasing focus on robotics within GoogleX division opens up possibilities for disruptive innovations in various industries.
3. Google's Shift Towards Robotics - Google's transition from web and mobile markets to robotics paves the way for major advancements in the field of robotics.
Industry Implications
1. Robotics - The acquisition of multiple robotics companies by Google indicates potential disruption in the robotics industry.
2. Technology - Google's investment in robotics-based technologies offers opportunities for disruptive innovation in the tech industry.
3. Manufacturing - The development of Google's robot army could revolutionize automation and robotics in the manufacturing industry.

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