Virtual Coat Check

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Imagine how you must feel - you return to the cloakroom in the nightclub, hotel or party venue and they can't find your jacket, purse, umbrella or whatever you left in the cloakroom. Have no fear, cloakscan is here!

What this nifty device does, it records a video of you as you submit your item, and gives you a barcode ticket. Not only does it do that, but the staff can now actually enter and see what they have in the cloakroom, everything is computerized, saving time in the process.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Coat Check - The Cloakscan system creating ease for consumers in retrieving items and for venue staff in automating the process.
2. Video Recording Systems - Innovations in video recording systems enabling new possibilities in retail and service industries like virtual styling or personal shopping.
3. Smart Inventory Management Systems - The computerization of inventory management resulting in cost savings and efficient processes in various industries.
Industry Implications
1. Nightlife and Hospitality - Providing consumers with a valuable service while improving staff efficiency in nightlife and hospitality venues.
2. Retail - Utilizing video recording systems as a tool for personalized shopping experiences, virtual try-ons, and other applications for retailers.
3. Logistics and Inventory Management - Revolutionizing inventory management processes and reducing costs for logistics companies and businesses with large inventories.

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