Single Driver Convoys

Goetting's Electronic Tow-Bar Lets One Driver Steer Several Trucks

Götting KG has already automated several trucks; at the Cebit in Hannover, Germany, they showed off their latest innovation: a tow-bar that makes it possible for a single-driver to steer an entire convoy of trucks.

The electronic tow-bar project was shown at the Cebit exhibition last week with a Smart car pulling a tractor at a speed of 6km/h. At the end of 2009, they'll test a speed of 30-80km/h with real lorries.

Implications - Products that are compatible with multiple products are some of the main ways that companies can encourage upselling.
Trend Themes
1. Automated Convoy Driving - The development of electronic tow-bars for single-driver steering of multiple trucks presents an opportunity for the automation of convoy driving, increasing efficiency and reducing labor costs
2. Connected Vehicle Systems - As the technology behind electronic tow-bars develops, it opens up a market for connected vehicle systems which allows for seamless and automated communication between vehicles in a convoy
3. Autonomous Fleets - Advances in electronic tow-bars and other vehicle automation technologies could lead to the creation of fully autonomous fleets, revolutionizing the transportation industry
Industry Implications
1. Logistics and Transportation - The logistics and transportation industry stands to benefit greatly from the development of electronic tow-bars and the potential for automated convoy driving
2. Automotive - As the technology behind electronic tow-bars continues to develop, it presents an opportunity for the automotive industry to collaborate on the creation of connected vehicle systems
3. Robotics and Automation - The development of electronic tow-bars and other automation technologies presents a significant opportunity for the robotics and automation industry to create innovative solutions for the transportation sector

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