Animated Email Ads

Gmail Priority Inbox has an Awesome Cartoon Promo Video

Gmail Priority Inbox will automatically flag emails as priority based on what you click on and read. This could save wondrous amounts of time for the busy worker bee. To advertise this wonderful new addition to Gmail, Google released this animated video that seems to understand every email user's pain.

The video not only relates to its target audience, but it also looks great, which will definitely spark some buzz for the company.

Implications - Animation may be misinterpreted by many ill-informed people as juvenile in nature, however, the use of animation with marketing and advertising campaigns can be a light-hearted way for companies to relay important messages.
Trend Themes
1. Animated Email Marketing - The use of animation in marketing and advertising campaigns can add a light-hearted element to important messages.
2. Personalized Email Ads - Email services using artificial intelligence, like Gmail's Priority Inbox feature, can help prioritize important emails for users and create opportunities for personalized email marketing.
3. Video Advertising - Animated videos can be a visually appealing and effective way to promote new product features and services.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Animation and video ads can be a fresh and engaging approach that can create buzz for a company and its products or services.
2. Email Marketing - Personalized and prioritized emails can save time for users and create opportunities for companies to provide more targeted messaging.
3. Artificial Intelligence - Email services using AI algorithms like Gmail's Priority Inbox can create more efficient and effective ways for users to manage their inbox, opening up new possibilities for personalized marketing campaigns.

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