Life Quality World Maps

This Infographic From MoveHub Displays the Global Quality of Life

If you are planning a big move, this global quality of life chart is worth consulting. From relocation company MoveHub, the infographic 'Quality of Life Around the World' ranks various states on their quality of life based on factors such as consumer prices and purchasing power, healthcare, pollution, property price to income ratio, safety and traffic commute.

The map indicates Switzerland, Denmark and Germany have the highest quality of life, where as Cuba, Venezuela and Ghana provide the lowest quality of life. This information is based on data collected by crowdsourced database Even though the global quality of life study certainly has limitations (it is sourced from online surveys compared to official government reports, for example), it certainly provides interesting insights all the same.
Trend Themes
1. Global Quality of Life - There is an opportunity for companies to create products or services that enhance the quality of life in countries with poor rankings on the MoveHub infographic.
2. Consumer Price Index - Businesses can focus on improving the affordability of products and services for countries with high consumer price indexes like Switzerland and Denmark.
3. Pollution Control - Companies can innovate and create solutions that address pollution issues in countries that rank low on the quality of life index like Cuba, Venezuela and Ghana.
Industry Implications
1. Travel and Relocation - Companies in the travel and relocation industry can use these quality of life rankings to better serve their clients by providing a more informed and comprehensive service.
2. Healthcare - The healthcare industry can focus on expanding and improving healthcare services in countries that rank low on the quality of life index.
3. Real Estate - Real estate companies can use these rankings to better understand the global real estate market and make informed investment decisions for their clients.

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