Transparent Labyrinth Installations

This See Through Glass Maze's Path Isn't as Clear as its Walls

Part of the bewilderment of a maze is the fact that other than walls, you can't see anything that's going on around you; in this glass maze, things are very different. We saw a glass maze at the Claudio Parmiggiani Galleria and much like that one the mentality shifting dynamic of the glass walls creates even more confusion.

If you think you have some good depth perception, you should try your hand at this glass maze. While opaque walls create a sense of loneliness in a maze, being able to see other people across multiple walls and not understanding how to get there is equally as strange.

Robert Morris created the project entitled 'Glass Labyrinth' in Missouri and it's guaranteed to have your head spinning.
Trend Themes
1. Transparent Mazes - Creating transparent mazes for entertainment and learning purposes.
2. Visual Disorientation - Designing installations to visually disorient users.
3. Interactive Art - Using art to create interactive experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Amusement Parks - Incorporating transparent mazes as a new attraction in amusement parks.
2. Art Galleries - Using transparent mazes as an interactive art installation in galleries.
3. Education - Using transparent mazes as a learning tool in educational settings such as museums or schools.

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