Girl Power

Young Women Take The Internet By Storm

According to a recent survey, young women (between the ages of 18 and 34) dominate the world wide web and experts say that this trend will greatly influence the future of the Internet as we know it.

This makes me wonder: I wonder if young women are the most dominant group on Trend Hunter as well!?!

Implications - According to the NetRatings servey, 18 percent of active British Internet users were Women within this young age group. According to Burmaster, the shift in online usage patterns signals the imminent arrival of a "new era of the Internet" and constituted a change that is certain to "send shockwaves through the entire online industry."
Trend Themes
1. Young Women Dominating the Internet - Opportunity to target and cater to the specific needs and preferences of young women in terms of online content and services.
2. Influence on the Future of the Internet - Potential for shaping the direction and development of the Internet based on the interests and behaviors of young women.
3. Shifting Online Usage Patterns - Disruptive potential to redefine online industry norms and strategies based on the changing demographics of Internet users.
Industry Implications
1. Digital Content and Media - Opportunity to create and distribute content that resonates with young women and captures their attention and engagement.
2. E-commerce and Retail - Potential to develop online shopping experiences tailored specifically to the preferences and buying habits of young women.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Disruptive potential to revolutionize advertising methods and channels to effectively reach and communicate with the dominant group of young women on the Internet.

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